Tuesday, December 07, 2010

so saucy

We've been living on an apple orchard for the past year. Only in the last few months have we been able to reap the benefits of that (other than the natural beauty of it that is). Fall was so lovely up here, and how sweet it was to be able to walk out our front door and pick a huge fresh apple right off the tree. We pressed fresh cider, ate apples and peanut butter until we couldn't no more, and for the first time ever I made homemade applesauce.

My dear friend Holly and I ventured out to can applesauce one lovely afternoon.
Step 1: collecting the apples

step 2: washing, peeling, and slicing

step 3: boiling down (we didn't add any sugar or spices- we wanted applesauce in the purest form)
step 4: blending into saucy goodness
step 5: distribution into the jars
step 6: a little time boiling to seal them up
step 7: admire the finished product