Friday, April 16, 2010

getting organized

It is such a dream to have all this free time in my life right now to craft, sew, clean, cook, and create! Recently, I was inspired to create something that will help me get organized in the kitchen. It seems like every other week when grocery shopping time rolls around that I have to pull out all my recipe books and random recipe cards that I have on file, flip through them and pick out which meals I want to make for the next couple weeks. It kind of ends up taking forever and I end up forgetting a lot of our go to meals simply because I don't have them written down.

Not anymore (hopefully). I decided to sew a piece of fabric with clear pockets on it - 28 pockets which equals 4 weeks worth of pockets. Then I went through all my recipes once and for all and threw out the ones we didn't care too much for, and kept the ones that were our favorites or go to's. Next I typed them all up onto little business size cards with the ingredients on the front and the directions on the back. My wonderful husband laminated them at work for me. Now I have this little recipe pocket with 40 or so recipes on cards that I can fill it with for a months worth of meal planning all rolled into one. It makes it so easy to go grocery shopping as I can just scan the cards for those weeks. During the week it helps to not have to dig out the recipe, and to know ahead of time what will be for dinner on that night. Some of the cards say "leftovers", "new recipe", or "frozen pre-made meal" on them cause let's be realistic - who cooks every single night?

1 comment:

Amber said...

Okay, how cool is that! So do you pull out the 7 cards for the week and take them to the store with you, as a "to buy" list?