Thursday, September 02, 2010

double whammie

Jake's birthday is August 28th and our anniversary is September 1st. They fall so close together so celebrating both is often a whirlwind of hoopla. For Jake's birthday (he's 26 now! holy smokes) we slept in and had a lovely breakfast/morning together. My parents had come to visit for the weekend so we went and had a fried chicken, macaroni salad, potato chip picnic in Mt. Ranier national forest with them and my brother and sister in law and niece and nephew. We hiked from our picnic spot up a couple of miles to a beautiful viewpoint. Here's proof...

our picnic spot
happy birthday my love!we like to jump
the gang
hippo faces
For our anniversary we had a lovely little breakfast together on the patio, laughing about all the shenanigans in our life over the past few years. Ie - living above Bob, Darla, Diamond, Jewel and Jezebel . a spur of the moment road trip to disneyland . various business ventures (berry boys berries, granolas, craigslisting furniture) . owning a home . selling our home by owner . having two roommates . working together at Sharkies coffee . taking a month long trip to asia... Later that evening we set up a romantic dinner (tri-tip, cheesy bread, and a delicious salad) for two out in the orchard. We dined together as the sun went down, then headed inside to cuddle up and watch a movie and have dessert. Best anniversary to date!
I am so blessed to share my life with such an incredible man. And look forward to the many more adventures I get to share with you. Thank you for standing by my side in all that life throws at us. You are my best friend!

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