Monday, May 23, 2011

yeast is my friend

For so long I was super intimidated to make any recipe that included yeast in it. I had tried it a couple times and been disappointed in the outcome, so I just flat out gave up on it. Making an entire batch of something, using ingredients and a lot of time, only to have it not turn out and end up in the trash- there was nothing worse to me (at least as far as food goes). My dear friend Holly got me back on the wagon. She gave me her recipe for pizza dough, and a few pointers for working with yeast to go along with it. I'm proud to say that after a success story with making my own pizza dough and a couple of batches of cinnamon rolls, yeast is now my friend. There is nothing like homemade bread and the like. Recipes including yeast always seem impressive too. A prime example is my homemade cheddar jalepeno bagel recipe. Don't be intimidated- I have made it multiple times and never had a fail (only lots of applause from the people who eat them).

 A couple tricks I've found to make yeast produce good results:
1. I always mix the dry ingredients together first including the yeast, then add the warm water. Maybe this isn't scientifically the correct way to do it, but I always see the little bubbles that say the yeast is doing its thing.
2. People will tell you all different temperatures that your water has to be. What has worked for me is just making the water as hot as you can with still being able to put your fingers in it (maybe around 115-130 degrees?)
3. When I let my dough rise: I spray it with a little cooking spray on top so it doesn't stick to the bowl when it rises. I cover it with a clean kitchen towel so it doesn't dry out.  And I turn the oven to 200' then off once it feels warm and put the dough in there to rise.

Here is the delicious bagel recipe...
8 c flour
4 Tbs sugar
2 Tbs active dry yeast
1 Tbs salt
3 1/2 c warmish hot water
flavoring of choice: jalepeno cheddar, blueberry, cheddar and chive, cranberry walnut...etc

-mix together flour, sugar, yeast, and salt in a bowl
-mix in flavor's ingredients (sharp cheddar and chopped jalepenos is our favorite)
-mix in water (as hot as you can make it and still put your hand in it) until combined
-cover, and let rise in a warm place about 20 minutes
-cut into 12 pieces, form balls, punch a hole in the middle
-boil for 30 seconds on each side
-sprinkle extra cheese or topping of choice (poppyseeds, everything seasonings...) on top
-bake at 385' for 11 minutes on the bottom rack, then 11 minutes on the top rack

1 comment:

sweetdaycupcakes said...

i wish i had one right now! so tasty!!