Sunday, October 30, 2011

Date Night Chopped

We don't watch a lot of TV, but we have been watching some episodes of Chopped here and there online. We were trying to decide on what to do the other night and on a whim Jake came up with a game plan. We ran to the store, had a budget of $4 each to buy ingredients with, came home and revealed them to each other, then had to use what the other person had bought (along with pantry items) to create a delicious dinner in 30 minutes. Mayhem ensued, and a plate of waterchestnut/pepper/onion/& chicken sausage stirfry and a plate of smoked cheddar/broccoli/bacon/tomato sauce pasta with broccoli salad were the results. I was hesitant to do it at first and wasn't really in the mood, but in the end it was a great time. I didn't get any pictures of the food cause we were so hungry by the time we were done, but here is the resulting disaster in our kitchen:

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