Monday, April 09, 2012

It's Been Awhile

Reality is that no one really reads this blog on a regular basis. It is more a form to document life happenings for our family then to blow up into a megablog at this point. That being said, I haven't posted in quite some time due to some big changes going on that I finally needed to document. We are currently pregnant with our first little one! I am 13 weeks along, and due in mid October. We are stoked. Other then constant nauseousness, tiredness, increased peeing (I used to sleep completely through the night, solid as a rock!), and a sore chest everything is going super well. We had our first ultrasound at 9 weeks and saw our little one's heartbeat for the first time. We opted not to do any genetic testing (as it would never change our mind on wanting to keep the little one), but our doctor did recommend that we get tested for being cystic fibrosis carriers as it would change our prenatal care if our baby was found to have it. Unfortunately, I tested positive for being a carrier. Thankfully though, Jake is not a carrier meaning there is no possible chance our baby could have it. It is a constant miracle to have the Lord fashioning a life inside of my womb. With all the worries that can easily creep in about your child's well being, He has given us a perfect peace in knowing that everything is in His hands. We are excited to learn from the Lord as we trust Him to fashion us into parents who train up our child to love and fear Him. So thankful for this little blessing, and my sweet husband!


Strauss House said...


Karly81 said...

Hey now, I read your blog :) And I am SOOOOOOO excited for the little one to come along!!!!

Karly81 said...

Hey now, I read your blog :) And I am SOOOOOOO excited for the little one to come along!!!!