Saturday, June 02, 2012

It's a...

Healthy baby! We had our big 19 week ultrasound to find out what we're having and more importantly measure the heart, brain, and body of our little baby. How fun it was to see our little baby now with distinguishable parts (as opposed to our 10 week ultrasound where it looked like a little bean), flipping all around inside my tummy. What an absolute miracle. Lying on the table I remember just thanking the Lord every time our ultrasound tech said "there's the ________, it looks normal." Another overwhelming sense of thankfulness came after she went over it with a doctor and came back in the room and announced it was a "perfect baby". What a blessing! Our ultrasound tech was a little grumpy, and didn't take or give us the best pictures of our little one, but the news we received was the best. Oh, and we found out we're having a little girl!!! Not what either of us had pictured, but so incredibly excited!

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