Friday, November 02, 2012

The Sweetest Husband

Jake's two weeks off work are coming to a close. Ellie and I will sure be sad to not have him around all day long anymore. His constant love and care for the two of us in these past couple weeks has made me fall even deeper in love with him. He has laid down his life completely to serve us unconditionally, and without a single complaint. There are two moments especially that I will remember forever.

1. During our first night in the hospital, I woke up to hear Jake singing to Ellie to try to lull her to sleep. He was singing "The House of God, Forever" by Jon Foreman. When he noticed that I was watching him with our little Ellie, He told me he had decided this was her song. We've been singing it to her ever since.

2. During the second night in the hospital, I woke up to what I thought was Jake sniffling from a runny nose. Upon waking up a little more, it seemed like a little more than a runny nose.  I asked him if he was crying and through tears and a quivery voice he said "yes". He had been rocking Ellie, snuggling her on his chest (Jake had gotten up with her a few times each night. After I fed her he would change her diaper, swaddle her, and cuddle her till she went to sleep so that I could rest a little (and because physically getting out of bed at this point was a challenge).) I asked Jake what was wrong, and I'll never forget his response. He told me he had been praying for Ellie, that she would know Christ, esteeming Him above all else. The thought of something so sweet going to hell if she tried to be her own savior broke his heart. This immediately brought me to tears as well. We cried together in the dark room for a few minutes over our sweet little girl as she slept.

1 comment:

Lauren @The Little Things We Do.... said...

This is the sweetest thing Tracie. Just wait 'til you see a baptism. They never made me emotional before, but after having Fern they turn me into a weepy mess. The gravity of salvation has new meaning and the thought of Fern never coming to know Jesus breaks my heart. I cry tears of joy every time I see a little one get baptized now.