Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ellie Grace: 4 months

Our Ellie girl turned 4 months old today! We had a great last month with her. She rolled over 2 times (but hasn't done it again yet). We went on a little overnight getaway to the Oregon Garden Resort to celebrate my birthday, went to her first Blazer game, went to bullwinkles & the children's museum when her cousins came to visit for the weekend, and got dedicated at our church (Athey Creek Christian Fellowship) on  February 17th. It's so fun to see her continually developing. She has really started to reach for toys dangled above her, is noticing her feet (and grabbing them), and likes sitting in her bumbo and standing on her strong little legs. It warms my heart to see her instant smiles when I sing her a good morning song when she wakes up for the day. Her awesome routine of sleeping through the night has completely done a 180. She started waking up again for a 4:30am feeding, and I thought it was just a growth spurt until it lasted the whole month. We are now trying to get her to wait until 6:30 or 7 like she used to for her first feeding, but it's resulted in a restless nights sleep for all of us. She doesn't scream all night or anything, but just stirs and sqwaks and wants her binky oh about every hour or so. We're hoping she'll grow out of this soon. :) Ellie started taking naps in her own crib (instead of all over the house or in her pack n play in our room), and has transitioned to sleeping there for naps flawlessly. We also have mostly dropped her late night (10:30 pm) feeding which is nice. She talks up a storm, and has added a (louder) excited squeal to her repetoire. There are so many little things that I want to remember like the way she holds up her shirt for us when we change her diaper, or how snuggly she is when she first wakes up from naps.

* UPDATE:  We took Ellie in for her 4 month check up the day after I posted this. We were still undecided about immunizations, so we decided to wait and are doing more research to try to come to the best (informed) decision we can. We simply were asking questions about them, and it quickly became really awkward. Our pediatrician got physically flustered (shaking, quivering, quick talking) and super defensive about the whole topic without really giving us any solid answers. Anywho, Ellie is healthy as can be weighing in at 14 lbs, 15 oz and measuring 2' 0.5" long. That is 50th percentile for height and 63rd percentile for weight. So glad to have a healthy growing little baby, but also already missing that teeny tiny little girl she was when we first brought her home.

1 comment:

The Oregon Garden said...

Such a cutie! We're happy to hear you were able to stay with us for your birthday, and we hope you had a wonderful time!