Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Ellie Grace: 5 months

Our little Ellie girl turned 5 months old this month and it has been so fun to see her learn and grow in various ways. Giggles are more common now, and she is still talking up a storm. Her nicknames have become Ell Bell, Ellie Girl, Little Nug (short for nugget), and Elbert (Jake started calling her this awhile ago when her bozo strip reminded her of an old man). She loves to grab her feet, grab toys and suck on them, suck on her fist, drool, smile, sit in her bumbo, and snuggle. I had been trying a couple times a day to get her to take a bottle only to have her turn her head and keep her mouth absolutely shut. However, on March 2nd I had a wedding and left Jake to try to give her one and he had success! She held it herself and downed it (and looked super cute doing it). She has officially grown out of the 0-3 month size and is just about through 3 month clothing as well. We are so thankful for each moment we get with her!

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