Saturday, September 25, 2010

a couple of little projects

Here are a couple sewing/knitting projects I've squeezed in in between all my food coordinator responsibilities up here at the bible school.

I took this ugly shirt I bought for 20 cents at a thrift store, removed the lace......and sewed it onto this shirt I got as a hand me down from my sister for freeNow that fall is here, I pulled out my knitting needles and concocted up this little diddy:

1 comment:

Whitney said...

oh sister sister...I am just so glad I rediscovered your wonderful blog. I had completely forgotten how to get to it, and then I just figured out how to access my list of blogs that i follow...der. anywho. i LOVE your blog and YOU! You are so gosh darn talented it's out. of. control. You inspire me. I love you very much sister! I hope we get to see you guys soon!

oh and I bookmarked your blog now, so I will be checking regularly :) keep the sweet crafting and cooking goodness coming!