Monday, August 29, 2011

Breaking the Silence

Since the last post was so very long ago, I decided it was finally time to update this thing. We decided to move back to the Portland area - Wilsonville to be exact. It was such a stale mate for a long time and hard to make a decision. We prayed like crazy for the Lord to have us do what He wanted. Ultimately my sweet sweet husband just had a peace about moving back to Oregon. I'm so thankful for a husband that leads his family, and being able to trust in his wisdom because he's trusting in the Lord.

So we've been back down here in our cozy little apartment for the past 3 weeks- settling in, getting all the transitional legwork (health insurance, utilities, change of address, deposits back, internet, blah blah blah) taken care of, unpacking, and reconnecting with friendships, our church, and the community. There are definitely things (mostly people) that we miss from Yakima, but it is good to be back. Hopefully our scheme to move all of the people we love in Yakima into our apartment complex will be realized in the near future. Until then, we will keep plugging away. Searching out opportunities to glorify our Lord and be used by Him.

1 comment:

Holly L. said...

i like you scheme :-)