Tuesday, September 06, 2011

A Couple of Birthday Bashes

There's been a whole lot of celebrating going on! Since we are now so close to family, we are able to make it to more family birthday parties. It's great! We recently went down to Eugene to celebrate my niece's 2 birthday. What a sweet one she is. I'm amazed at the little party my sister was able to pull off (with help from my parents of course) considering she just had a baby 2 weeks prior.
More recently we celebrated Jake's birthday. 27 is starting to sound old! We had a great day celebrating with friends and family. Making breakfast together in the morning, floating the river, happy hour at Oswego Grill (it's amazing by the way- so cheap and delicious), sand volleyball and presents at the park, and ice cream sundaes at our place to wrap up the day. Later in the week my parents drove up and took us out to dinner at the Brazil Grill. That was insane. All you can eat 11 different kinds of delicious meat that is sliced off of swords by gauchos. Wow! So thankful for everyone who came along to make his day so special!

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