Thursday, January 05, 2012

The Best Christmas Season Ever

According to my sweet husband, he this year was the best Christmas season of his whole life. I'm pretty sure this was due to the fact that we packed December with festive activities around every bend. A local tree lighting ceremony, snuggling down to Christmas movies, cutting down a tree with my in-laws, going to our church's Christmas play, another church's Christmas play, a Christmas concert, going to see the Nutcracker, cross country skiing, seeing the peacock lane Christmas lights & Christmas ships down on the waterfront, cookie baking, making gifts together, Christmas shopping, Jake's company Christmas party, lots of Christmas music, celebrating with both our families. I think that covers all of it. We went all out in the Christmas cheer category this year. It is such a blessing to live life with my wonderful husband by my side. What a joy it was celebrating our Savior's birth together!

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