Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Oh Happy Day

My 27th birthday was yesterday. When I read my card from Jake I paused and said,  "Am I really 27?!". That seems so old. Despite the inevitable increase in number, I had such a wonderful day. Jake asked me the night before if I would get up early on my birthday and hang out with him before he left for work. After agreeing, I woke up to a handsome husband, Cinnabon cinnamon rolls, and freshly brewed Stumptown coffee. We had a lovely little morning together before he headed in. Then my sweet sister in law and mother in law treated me to lunch at a fancy little restaurant in downtown Oregon City. Holy moly, the smoked gouda and bacon mac n cheese was incredible! Knowing my love for thrift stores, they took me to one of my favorites- Red White & Blue- and were patient with me as I perused to my hearts content. I made it back home just in time to greet my husband and we took off for the evening. He had registered me the night before for any restaurant in the area that had a freebie on your birthday. I LOVE free things. We went to Changs Mongolian Grill and got a whole free meal, to a Dutch Bros nearby for a free large coffee, to Jack in the box for a free cheesecake, and to another Dutch Bros for a free large coffee. There were moments that you feel a little embarrassed for just hitting up the free stuff (like when Jake sat with me at Changs, just sipping on his water as I scarfed my stirfry- our original plan to take it togo and share it was thwarted when we were told they didn't have togo boxes), but it also makes us giggle and feel like we're pretty smart. We still have a free Red Robin burger and appetizer, a buy one get one free blizzard from Dairy Queen, and a free entree at Moe's southwest grill that we couldn't fit in for fear of a tummy ache. We ended the night going to our friends, the Tuma's, cozy home (being joined by some other friends- the Niehus' and the Easterlys) and playing dutch blitz until our palms were sweaty, our hearts were racing, and our brows were glistening. Happy birthday phone calls from my family, birthday cards in the mail from grandparents, and the typical well wishes from random facebook friends were the cherries on top. I am so blessed by the sweet friendships the Lord has given me.

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