Sunday, August 05, 2012

Yard Sale Friday

My usual partner in crime- Hanna- wasn't able to join me this week, but I had an excellent substitute. My friend Melinda braved the early morning to scour Tualatin for some hidden treasures, and hidden treasures we found.
lampshade: .50 cents
nail gun: $2.00
level: .50 cents
chop saw (with brand new blade: $20
spray texture: .50 cents
pantry shelf organizer: .50 cents
The Busy World of Richard Scarey- Cars & Trucks/ Where's Waldo: .75 cents
crocheted baby blanket: .25 cents
aqua bumbo seat (the exact one I registered for!!): $1.00
bumbo tray attatchment: $2.00
vintage, dovetailed drawer, library card holder (I am SO in love with this and have plans to redo it): $6.00

Total: $34

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