Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Quick Catch Up: Part 1

Holy smokes, it's been way to long since I've updated this thing. I think I'll do a couple quick posts to hopefully get caught up to date. Time is flying by-don't know if I should blame it on the pregnancy, or just life being busy. Here are some things we've been up to in the last couple months:

went to the beach with friends for the day:
 went fishing with friends:
 been picking produce every week for the CSA baskets at Jake's farm:

 went to Bend for a weekend to visit Jake's grandparents. Ate a delicious restaurants, went paddle boarding, and celebrated Jake's birthday:
 celebrated Jake's birthday- just the two of us in Portland. Had cinnamon rolls together for breakfast, hiked Oneonta trail in the gorge (a hike that you have to wade through water down an Indiana Jones ish gully to get to a hidden waterfall), ate at some of the places that are free on your birthday (Mongolian Grill, Dutch Bros), and had gifts and cake at home.
went to our church's family camp for a weekend:

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