Monday, September 19, 2011

Thankful For Another Year

Jake and I celebrated our 4th anniversary at the beginning of September. For a gift I made him a photo book documenting every month for the past two years (I had made him one for the first two years on our second anniversary). How neat it was to look back on all we've done in such a short time. Sweet travels (Thailand, Cambodia, Bali, Kenya), new communities jobs & friendships, living in different places - and seeing the Lord provide more than we could imagine through it all. I am so thankful for the absolute gift that my husband is. We were able to get away through a deal on groupon (!) to the Oregon Garden Resort. It included a night at the resort, dinner for two at their restaurant, a bottle of wine, breakfast for two, and free admission to the garden. It was the perfect way to celebrate 4 years!

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