Sunday, September 25, 2011

Surprisingly Simpler Than You Think

It seems to be that I have this ongoing list of things in my head that just seem too overwhelming to try to cook myself. Well I'm starting to face my fears and give them a go. Dealing with yeast in any given recipe was my first attempt at conquering those "there's no possible way I could make that" recipes. More recently, I went after homemade gnocchi. Jake and I personally LOVE this stuff! The recipe only has 4 ingredients, and although cooking the potatoes takes a little time, it comes together relatively quickly and super easily. It's highly recommended that you give it a try too... here's how:

serves about 4
1. wash and prick 4-5 potatoes with a fork
2. bake in a 400' oven until tender (40 minutes or so)
3. scoop out potato flesh from the skin and mix it in a kitchen aid until fluffy
4. mix in 1 1/4 c flour
5. beat 1 egg with 1/4 tsp salt until combined
6. mix the egg/salt into the potato/flour combo until a dough is formed
7. split the dough into four equal sections
8. using your fingers, roll out like a snake on lightly floured surface, until it's about 18" long
9. cut into one inch pieces, place onto wax paper lined baking sheet (if you're going to freeze them)
10. you can now freeze the gnocchi on the baking sheet and transfer it to a ziploc freezer bag after they have frozen, or cook the gnocchi in boiling, salted water until they float to the top (about 2 minutes)
* to cook the frozen gnocchi, DON'T thaw first! cook the same as you would the fresh gnocchi.

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