Saturday, October 16, 2010

chair recovery

As summer commenced this year, so did garage saling season. I love garage saling- the thrill of searching for a treasure, a steal of a deal amongst someone else's throw aways. For many a Friday mornings this past summer I would meet up with a couple of good friends at Starbucks, grab coffee, plan our garage saling route, and be on our way. We'd be gone for a few hours and end up at the end with items we'd felt like we'd almost stolen. Some of my thrifty finds this summer included depression glassware plates, vintage pyrex bowls, roller blades for my husband and I, an antique dovetailed drawer dresser for $7.50, and this chair:
I almost passed it up, but considering my friend Holly talked the lady down from $5 to $4 it was pretty much a no brainer at that point. (P.S. - there were two identical chairs and Holly walked away the proud owner of the second one). We had big hopes of recovering our little beauties, convincing ourselves it would be a breeze. Well not exactly a breeze later (it might have taken us about 19 hours in all to tear off the old stuff, cut out the pieces, sew the piping, and figure out how to staple it all back together), we finally have lovely little chairs.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

headed to kenya

The last month of the bible school we are currently serving in is an international mission trip. Previously (we're talking five years ago), when I was an RA for the bible school our team went to Romania and helped establish the only Christian ministry on a college campus of nearly 30,000 students. Recently, we found out we'd be headed to Kenya, Africa on November 10th! There is a neat ministry there that is an organic farm (almost fully sustaining themselves, and helping to do the same for others in the community), an orphanage, a vocational school, and a light in a dark place. We are excited for the opportunity to serve along side of them, share the gospel with surrounding villages, and be a witness to the lost. Praise the Lord for the generosity of our friends and family for supporting us as we seek to do so.