Sunday, August 25, 2013

Ellie Grace:10 months

Time for another post. The fact that I don't post anything else on here except a once a month update tells you A.) I'm a lazy blogger or B.) Life just flies by. I like to think the latter. Seriously, Jake keeps saying that summer is over and although I like to think that we still have a good month and a half (September in Oregon is pretty darn nice), he's probably right. We haven't floated the river one time this summer (our usual favorite past time), the truth is it's just harder with a baby. But on the flip side, we've had some great times doing other things we didn't do so much before we had our Ellie girl. The past month we:

-went on lots of walks
-went to a wedding
-went to a work family picnic at oaks park (Ellie rode a carousel and went down the giant pink slide)
-went bike riding
-hung out with cousins and aunt and uncle from Yakima
-went to the pool
-went to a church play date at a park splash pad
-hung out with our friends Ashley & June, and Mandy & Hadley
-went yard saling
-visited a new friend, Avery at the hospital after she was born
-went blackberry picking
-went paddle boarding/to the river
-spent a couple days in Eugene with Nonna and Poppa, aunts, uncles, and cousins
-went to some bbq's
-attended Jake's 10 year high school reunion

Ellie is still on pretty much the same sleep schedule- naps at 11-1, 3-5, and bedtime from 8-6. She eats at lunch and dinner time consistently, with some snacks and some breakfast every once in awhile. She tried fresh caught tuna, black beans, brown rice, string cheese, blackberries, plums... and still loves her usual avacado, grapes, mum mumms, puffs, potatoes, squash...She likes drinking water out of her sippy cup and can do it by herself pretty well. She is still nursing 5 times a day-6am, 9am, 1pm, 5pm, and 8pm. She now claps, pulls herself up on everything, will do a funny scrunchy smile, can say poop, bear, buh (book), bye, and tries to repeat a lot of what we say. She learned how to climb our stairs, and it's amazing to see what she grasps (ie-asking her to find her fish, or a ball, or her bear, or a book, and watching her pick them out of her group of toys). She is soooo snuggly at night and naptime (I love it, and at the same time don't want her to become dependent on it). She's starting to act shy when she meets new people (snuggling into my shoulder), and becoming more of a momma's girl when it comes to putting her to bed..but she still adores her daddy and he gets the best giggles out of her. We just booked a family trip to Thailand in a few months, so we are both thrilled and trying to figure out what that will look like with Ellie. We applied for her first passport which is super exciting. We love our little Ellie girl!!