Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Yard Sale Friday

One of my favorite seasons is upon us. Summer. Not only for the heat, outdoor activities, and time off, but also for the yard sales! Although I terribly miss the weekly tradition I had going with my dear friends in Yakima, I have began to venture out a few Friday's on my own down here in Wilsonville and hope to recruit a few friends to join me eventually. Despite despising yard sales, Jake so patiently went with me to a few last Saturday and I was stoked on our finds.
large wood frame (will probably be used to make a chalkboard), 5 strands of Christmas lights, 2 timers, an excessive amount of replacement bulbs: $2.00 
elastic, zippers, velcro, 8 drawer pulls, 3 knobs: .50 cents
soap dish, metal measuring spoon set, lazy susan (for organizing kitchen cupboards): .50 cents
24 Bernstein bear books (pretty much the entire collection): $4.00
4 small garage hooks, 2 large garage hooks, 1 badminton birdie: $1.00

total: $8.00

Sunday, May 27, 2012

FOOD show

My dad works in the food business. What a fun industry to be a part of! Lucky for me he was invited to a food show here in Portland, and (knowing how incredibly fun they are) he got extra tickets for my mom, my sister, and I. What is a food show you might ask? It's basically Costco sampling on crack. Rows and rows and rows of vendors line up their tables and give out free samples of their product. However unlike Costco giving you small little tastes, you are given full on sliders, ribs, lattes, ice cream bars, pulled pork sandwiches, shrimp, beer, wine, cakes, cookies, teas, smoothies, yogurts, chips, fries, soups... you get the picture. There is literally offered everything under the sun, and you just get to walk around and eat whatever you want for free. Being 18 weeks pregnant and just coming out of the nauseousness phase, it is not exaggerating to say this was a dream. Jake got to join us on his lunch break for an hour, which was great! Oh and on top of walking around and gorging yourself, they also give you a bag upon arrival that you fill up with packaged samples to take home. We were there from 9-4. It was a lovely day.
the booty

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Feather Your Nest

I know I've written before about a shabby chic home boutique that my sister in law and a couple of friends put on in Yakima, WA. It was time for this years spring edition (the boutique is held twice a year during the spring and the fall). Even though we've moved south 3 1/2 hours, I still was eager to participate. I'm slowly and constantly creating items in prior months with Feather Your Nest in the back of my head the whole time. But it isn't until a couple weeks before the event that I kick it in to high gear trying to bust out multiples of all the crafts I have stock piled on Pinterest. Luckily, it all got done in time and I sent up quite the inventory of handmade dolls, diaper clutches, crinkle toys, pup tents, wreathes, knit scarves, hair clips, bow ties, and zippered pouches. Thankfully it was a super successful event for me. Not only is it a blessing to make a little extra income, but even more so to realize that people actually like the stuff that I create enough to purchase it.