Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the gang's all here - easter edition

For easter this year, my brother talked my whole family into coming up to Yakima to celebrate. Since it was our year to celebrate with my side (we switch off between my family and my in laws every year), it was nice not to have to drive to Eugene to do so. Considering we invited Jake's family to join us as well, we had a packed house. My parents, little brother, sister, brother in law, niece and nephew, as well as Jake's parents, sister, and brother in law all made the trek up here. We spent some time at the park for a picnic, played some games (a must when hanging out with my family), ate some delicious food, had a couple of easter egg hunts, and most importantly celebrated our resurrected Savior. We are super blessed to have a family that loves each other and are actually friends. Thanks everyone for making the trip to be together for this joyful holiday!

homemade cinnamon rolls
my love
my dad sneaking in to drop off our easter basket in the morning (we got three easter baskets this year. I guess you're never too old.)
the dessert spread
the oldest kids checking out their goods
lounging on the lawn during the hunt
sweet miss madilyn
whose idea was it to get jack in the box tacos at 10 pm after playing mafia in the living room?
the crazy bunch
a little more normal