Monday, December 05, 2011

Advent Calendars

While down in Eugene over Thanksgiving, my sister wanted me to help her whip up an advent calendar for their family. "Whipping it up" ended up being synonymous with shopping for fabric for a couple hours, staying up until 1:30am, and racing to put the finishing touches on it before we headed home. It was fun though and some great time with my sister. It's just a basic fabric pocket advent calendar that she will fill with pieces of a nativity scene, activities to do, and treats.
I had started working on a cardstock version for Jake and I and finished just in time for the first of December. On the back of each tag is an activity to do that day. The black rectangles on the front are chalkboard paper, so we can plan the calendar each year and change the date on the activities if need be (ie. we might get our tree on a Sunday this year and not want to plan to get it on Monday next year).

Friday, December 02, 2011


This year for Thanksgiving we went down to Eugene and celebrated with my family (since we missed last year with them when we were in Kenya). We had a lovely Thanksgiving feast at my aunt and uncle's house, celebrated my dad's birthday, did a little shopping, went to the civil war football game, played some games, and hit up the $1.50 movie theater a few times (the boys went to three movies over the weekend).