Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Ellie Grace: 9 months

Ellie girl turned 9 months old last weekend. The past month flew by with a lot of traveling and summer activities. We're narrowing in quickly on a year already! Here are some highlights from the last month:
-Spent a weekend in Yakima celebrating a wedding & hanging with some family
-Went on Ellie's first camping trip to Loon Lake. I wasn't sure what to expect (thinking it could be more work than a vacation), but Ellie was truly a happy camper. She loved the water and sand, playing with her cousins, snuggling with aunts, uncles, and grandparents, and slept pretty well in the tent.
-She got her first two teeth while at Loon Lake (7/4 -7/9).
-Visited Jake's parents in Kalama for a weekend where we paddleboarded the river, had bonfires, ate delicious food, and did some archery. Aunt Whit and Uncle Matt joined us for the weekend to complete time as a family.
-Went to another wedding, a family picnic for Jake's work, the pool (a lot!), on lots of walks, worked in the yard, garage saling, story time at the library...
-Went berry picking 3 times
-We got a seat & helmet for Ellie and took her on her first bike ride-she loved it.

Ellie has her moments, but overall she is the sweetest little one! She is so laid back, sleeps well (despite all the trips out of town), and has recently started eating more. We finally figured out that she just isn't into purees. In just the past couple days she has started to really get into the swing of eating. Some of her favorites are avacado, potato, nectarine, blueberries, raspberries, banana, mum mums, puffs, carrot, squash, and blackberries. We have randomly given her some super hard fruits and veggies and she liked to gnaw on those (raw carrots, apple, peas). Her current schedule is: feed at 6am/9am/1pm/5pm/8pm with naps from (roughly) 11am-1pm & 3pm-5pm, and going to bed right after her 8pm feeding.

At her 9 month check up she weighed in at 19 lbs, 13 oz and is 2 feet 3.25 inches tall. She cruises all over by crawling and will now pull her self up to stand or kneel. She likes to say Mamama more frequently, and delight in hearing her response to "what's a dog say?"-to which she says "ffffffff'". Ellie loves people and likes to wave hello and goodbye (when she feels like it). Jake and I are constantly saying to one another how blessed we are to have her!!!


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