Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Ellie Grace: 11 months

We are ever too quickly approaching the big 1 year. It blows my mind to think about how quickly time is passing. We have and are still loving every minute we have with our sweet Ellie girl. Here are some highlights of the last month:
-Took a 4 day road trip to North Eastern Oregon. Ellie was a rockstar the whole time-not a single meltdown during all the carseat time she had!
-She has mastered a grumpy frowny face and a fake smarmy laugh
-Ellie learned to climb the stairs- all the way to the top!
-She puts her hand up to blow kisses, raises both her hands up when you say "how big is Ellie?", dances to music
-She says "ava" for avacado, "buh" or "bah" for button, bear, book, ball, bath, baby, baaa, "duck", "neigh neigh", "mmmm" for moo,
-If you ask her where her head or her toes are she'll point to them. We've started giving her directions and she responds to- come here, put your shoe on your foot, give mommy hugs, give daddy kisses, touch daddy's face gently, where's your (...)?, get daddy
-She loves to play peek a boo, round and round the garden, this little piggy, when ducks get up in the morning they always say good day, 6 little ducks that I once knew, play with her activity table, leapfrog animal fridge magnets, cars, books
-Went to Seattle for the weekend for a friends wedding and stayed with Gary & Lisa Halcomb
-Went to her friend Hadley's 1st birthday party
-Went on some bike rides
-Started brushing her teeth
-Ate some beef
-Pulls herself up and cruises around holding onto furniture
 classic grump face
our sweet little one

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